Research Work


1. Competition and Crowd-out for Brand Keywords in Sponsored Search (w/ Chris Nosko and Justin Rao), Marketing Science 37 (2), 2018
  Finalist, 2018 John D.C. Little Award; Media Coverage: [The Correspondent]

2. Firms’ Reactions to Public Information on Business Practices: Case of Search Advertising (w/ Justin Rao), Quantitative Marketing & Economics 17 (2), 2019
Runner-up, 2020 Dick Wittink Prize

3. State-Dependent Demand Estimation with Initial Conditions Correction (w/ Jean-Pierre Dube, Guenter Hitsch and Peter Rossi), Journal of Marketing Research, 57 (5), 2020
Lead article

4. Competitive Advertising on Brand Search: Traffic Stealing and Click Quality (w/ Shawndra Hill), Marketing Science, 40 (5), 2021

5. Demand for Online News under Government Control: Evidence from Russia (w/ Justin Rao) [Online Appendix], Journal of Political Economy, 130 (2), 2022
Lead Article; Media Coverage: [ProMarket]

6.  Frontiers: The Persuasive Effect of Fox News: Non-Compliance with Social Distancing During the Covid-19 Pandemic (w/ Szymon Sacher, Jean-Pierre Dube, and Shirsho Biswas),
Marketing Science,  41(2),  2022
Media Coverage: [Washington Post] [VoxEU] [ProMarket] [New Yorker][NYTimes Magazine][Hollywood Reporter] 

7. Suspense and Surprise in Media Product Design: Evidence from (w/ Raluca Ursu and Carolina Zheng), Journal of Marketing Research, 60(1),  2023
Lead Article
Finalist, 2023 Paul E. Green Award

8. Online Advertising as Passive Search (w/ Raluca Ursu and Eunkyung An), Management Science, Forthcoming

9. Dark Defaults: How Choice Architecture Steers Political Campaign Donations (w/ Nathaniel Posner, Kellen Mrkva, and Eric Johnson), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120 (40), 2023
Media Coverage: [NPR]

10. Attention Spillovers from News to Ads: Evidence from an Eye-Tracking Experiment (w/ Tommaso Valletti and Andre Veiga) Journal of Marketing Research, Forthcoming

Working Papers

Work in Progress